
Vienna Marrakesch show Vienna Marrakesch show - Vienne Marrakesch Production / Israel modern dance / theater The Israeli company Vienna Marrakesh Production devised a show conceived as a mixture of opera, ballet, acrobatics and circus in the manner of the Cirque...
AIDA opera, Verdi AIDA opera, Verdi - Bavarian State Opera Munich modern dance / theater The Bavarian State Opera in Munich needed a dark-skinned male dancer with modern dance experience for a production of Verdi's opera Aida. Monika Schoepfer's former...
Midsummer Night’s Ball – Life is a Dance Midsummer Night’s Ball – Life is a Dance - Theater an der Angel / Magdeburg modern dance / acting / theater For the summer festival play A Midsummer Night's Ball - Life is a Dance, the Theater at the Angel in Magdeburg planned a very special...
eMoment eMoment - Chamäleon Varieté© Theater GmbH/Berlin modern dance / tango / theater With the show eMoment, the Chamäleon Varieté© Theater in Berlin presented a new form of vaudeville, for which variety artists prepared a dance performance. In...
Theater guest contract Theater guest contract - Theater und Philharmonie Essen GmbH modern dance / theater The Theater und Philharmonie Essen GmbH needed a dancer trained in both classical and modern dance for a guest contract A.I.D.A. came up with a...
Best of Musical Best of Musical - Stage Holding Musical Tour GmbH musical / theater Stage Holding Musical Tour GmbH was looking for a musical dancer for the stage production Best of Musical, a musical performance consisting of excerpts from...
Belgrade Dance Festival 05 Belgrade Dance Festival 05 - BITEF teatar / Belgrade contemporary dance / theater A choreographer from the A.I.D.A. database was engaged by the Belgrade Dance Festival 05. Because of her extensive experience Monika Schoepfer was commissioned by the...
The Tempest (play) The Tempest (play) - Berliner Ensemble Theater am Schiffbauerdamm modern dance / theater For its production of Shakespeare's The Tempest the Berliner Ensemble at the Theater am Schiffbauerdamm was looking for a modern dance artist to perform a...
Stoertebeker Festival Stoertebeker Festival - Compagnie J. Deutschland / Berlin folk dance / theater The famous sabre dance is a central feature of the Stoertebeker Festival on the island of Ruegen. For this dance performance the Compagnie J. Deutschland...
Black Atlantic Black Atlantic - House of World Cultures / Berlin modern dance / theater At the international event InTransit at the House of World Cultures in Berlin the play Black Atlantic by the well-known theater director Ismail Ivo was...